Edette Gagné
Visionary Leader
Accolades... what people are saying about Edette
Edette is a charismatic leader... [she] is able to garner passion, respect and support from the players... Her enthusiasm, professionalism and grace have brought our orchestra to a level far beyond our expectation.
Karen Buckley, principal second violin, Coast Symphony Orchestra
Without question, she is a thoughtful, intelligent and accomplished musician.
Christopher Zimmerman - Music Director, The Hartt Symphony Orchestra
[Edette's pre-concert] presentation was charming, filled with wonderful historical and musical insight; she clearly loves the music, her musicians and being a conductor. She imparted her enthusiasm for the works to be performed with gusto; I don't think there was anyone in the audience that wasn't looking forward to hearing the music to come.
Linda White France, Editor, the LOCAL, Sunshine Coast
Edette Gagné is a highly focused and discerning conductor with a drive for excellence. What sets her apart from the crowd, however, is her ability to achieve high standards without coercing the music from an orchestra. Rather, with the gentlest of touch [she] compels and releases the best from each of her players. The results are top-notch and genuine. Edette exemplifies the finest in a new generation of conductors.
Kim Diehnelt, Conductor - Chicago, IL
Our enjoyment of the music was enhanced by [Edette's] whimsical explanations of each set. Her personable approach invited the audience into the music. She has the energy and talent to make great things happen to the CSO.
Joe Martens - Roberts Creek
Edette's musicianship and leadership as a conductor were exemplary in every respect. What wasn't expected is her formidable adminstrative ability and incredible work ethic.
Dr. Mark Emerson Hopkins - Assistant Professor - Acadia University